Booking your visits on the client's behalf

At times clients struggle to find the time to book visits, if this is the case they are able to allow you as the worker to book your own visits.

When a client has allowed you to book your own visits the system will then let you input your hours and tasks as agreed with the client, and all the client needs to do is manually approve these visits before each Monday at 11.59 pm, for you to be paid in the next pay round. Manual approval helps to make sure the client is still aware of what is being completed and paid for each week.

Where can I book a visit?

There are a couple of places you can book visits from:

  • The visits tab - is located on the top banner, then select Create Visit.

1.Where to book

How do I book a visit?

1. Choose the client & contract rate

Client & Rate

2. Choose the day and time. You should have already discussed this with the client. You will also be able to see a summary of the visits when you are booking.

Date & Time

Clients must enter any applicable mileage and expenses for you to file a claim. If you have already discussed this with them, kindly remind them to log these details.

3. You can assign tasks or activities that you did or are planning to do on the visit and add a note about the visit. E.g. “I will take Susan to her appointment today at 11.30 am”

4. Visit Created

If the client doesn't have available funds you won't be able to create the visits, please contact them if this is the case.