Mycare is a self-directed platform, which means that you create a job listing, get to conduct interviews and choose the independent support worker who you think is the best fit.
You can sign up here. Create an organiser account for yourself and a client account for the person requiring support for (or click on 'seeking support for myself'.
Create a job listing. Use our simple tool that will guide you through creating a job listing, with all the details on when, where and what type of support you require. There are free text boxes where you can write specifically what/who you are looking for, e.g., someone with a full driver's license, someone with an interest in music, etc. Personalise this as much as you want to find your best person. Our Customer Engagement team is on hand (phone, email or chat) to answer any questions you might have. Our Team will also assist in finding potential applicants as we know our worker community well, and have new people sign up every day.
Independent support workers will apply for your job if they think its a good fit. Their application messages will come directly to you. You can see also search workers in your area, there is a button that says "Find workers" that will take you to a map that displays all of the local profiles. When you click on a profile you will be able to directly message them to see if they are interested in your job. Some workers do not log in regularly so this can be a good way to reach out to people you think are well suited to the role and prompt them to apply. You can then chat via our safe online messaging with potential candidates and decide who you would like to interview.
All workers on the Mycare platform are independent contractors and will negotiate the final details (rate of pay, times of work) with you. The average cost of an hour of support on the platform is $32 per hour (varies depending on the type of care you are looking for). There is a small Client Platform fee that is added once you start working with someone which is 10% of the agreed hourly rate. e.g., with a rate of $32 per hour +10%, you would be paying a total of $35.20 per hour. The Platform Fee allows us to provide you with the technology, our Customer Team, worker police vetting, insurance and the weekly booking and payroll system.
Once you have found the right worker you book them through the platform! All money is exchanged via our platform so there is never a need to pay your chosen support worker directly.