Paying by bank transfer

If you would prefer to pay via bank transfer/advance payment you can let the Mycare team know

 Let the Mycare team know if you would like to pay via bank transfer, you will be sent the bank details to start this process.

 There are a couple of things to keep in mind when paying via bank transfer

  • Money will need to be transferred before the time of booking (we recommend at least 1 day before)
  • Remember to include the 10% platform fee.
  • Are you allowing your workers to claim mileage and/or activity expenses? (enough for max claims will need to also be transferred)
  •  How many visits are you wanting to book?
  • Any money that is transferred and not used for visits will remain on your Mycare account to go towards future visits or can be refunded on request.

The Mycare team is always happy to help you with a summary of how much you should look into transferring.

Bank Transfer Statement

Include the client’s name or ID number (the Mycare team can let you know what this is).