You can allow workers to claim mileage or extra expenses on Mycare.
When discussing the role with a worker you may come to a discussion about paying for mileage or other expenses. You are able to negotiate with the worker on whether it is needed for the role. You can also add to individual visits if needed.
We recommend you ask your worker to keep any receipts and records on their purchases and distances travelled.
What is Mileage/Travel Expenses?
This can be for any travel a worker will need to do for the role, things like appointments, events or running errands. In some cases, you may have agreed to pay travel expenses to and from your house, this is common if you are further out of the city.
How do I pay travel expenses?
Mileage is currently paid at a rate of $1.04 per kilometre (the current IRD mileage rate).
When you book visits for your workers you can choose whether you want to pay travel expenses. You select the number of kilometres that you would like to pay up to. You will be charged the amount selected, which will go into your Mycare wallet.
Before your worker submits the visit, they will have to claim how many km were travelled. If this is under or up to the amount you selected, the visit will be automatically approved within 12 hours. The exact amount claimed is what will come out of your Mycare wallet.
If it is over the amount, you will receive a notification to review the visit. If you agree to the change, you will then be charged the difference.
What are expenses?
Expenses are those costs that your worker may incur when completing tasks or errands for you, and that you would like to reimburse them for.
This can include things like paying for groceries, picking up milk or paying for lunch, travel or activities when they are out and about providing support.
How do I pay expenses?
When you book visits for your workers you can choose whether you want to pay expenses. You select the dollar amount of expenses that you would like to pay up to. You will be charged the amount selected, which will go into your Mycare wallet.
Before your worker submits the visit, they will have to claim the expense. If this is under or up to the amount you selected, the visit will be automatically approved within 12 hours. The exact amount claimed is what will come out of your Mycare wallet.
Please note there is a 5% service fee on all added mileage and expenses.
Individualised funding
Please note that with individualised funding you can only claim mileage, as IF doesn’t cover costs related to leisure, recreation and personal or family costs. Please refer to your IF host or Whaikaha- Individualised Funding. Discuss with the Mycare team on how to go about paying separately for expenses.