How to create a listing

To find care on Mycare you will need to create a listing, follow the steps below to craft a standout listing

When is the best time to create a listing?

Ensure you are ready.

Do you have a start date in mind? Is the person receiving care (and family members) ready? Is your source of funding ready?

Make sure these are finalised before creating a listing. Good support workers on Mycare are in demand and are often unable to wait for an undefined role or start date.

Once ready, follow these simple steps and you’ll have a great listing ready to go in no time.

What should I include in my listing?

Understand what you need.

To find the right person, start by writing down the different things you want help with, and what qualities you desire in a worker. By doing this, it will:

  • Help you figure out what you need and the qualities you’re looking for in a support worker 
  • Describe the skills and experience a worker needs for the role
  • Set clear expectations around duties and relationships. 

Include in your listing as much detail as possible and all the requirements that a successful worker will need to meet.  Be clear on what items are non-negotiable vs flexible, this can help avoid needless conversations with unsuitable applicants.

Note the Human Rights Act allows you state your preference of worker that comes into your private household.  Check out the Mycare Non-Discrimination Commitment here for more information. 

What should I pay for a role?

While we understand budget constraints, the most successful listings are those that pay a fair rate or higher for the type of work that is needed. (Our Customer Team can give you helpful information if you are unsure of a fair rate in your situation). Some support workers will negotiate mileage and/or travel time.  While paying mileage is not compulsory, if your chosen worker is far away or coming for a short visit it may be reasonable to do so.

How do I use Mycare to create my listing?

Once you’re clear on what you need, log in and create your listing on Mycare.

You can create your listing from your dashboard or the listings tab.

Once you start there are simple steps to follow and we've added tips during the process to help you out. These steps include information on:

  • General description 
  • Category of role (e.g.; home care, transportation, personal care) 
  • Advertised rate 
  • Activities required in the role
  • Required skills, language or equipment experience
  • Advertised hours and times

Once complete, select 'Save & Continue' & 'Next', you will then be able to use the preview to see how the workers will see your listing. 

Need to edit or unpublish your listing read more here.